Contest Win for DONUTS WITH JERRY!

Terrific news! DONUTS WITH JERRY has won Best Comedy Screenplay in the Table Read My Screenplay Contest 2015. In fact, it looks like we were neck and neck for the Grand Prize (but ultimately came in second).  A comment from the notification email: 

 "We look forward to sending you more information on your prizes, but remember the biggest prize of all is that your passion and drive for your project has brought you to the top out of nearly 1000 submissions! And in fact, we want to express to you specifically, Ron, HOW difficult it was to choose the Grand Prize Winner. It really came down to the tightest contest between Donuts with Jerry and Brights. You should be very proud of your script. It’s absolutely wonderful, has a beautiful message (everyone should live by) and we truly look forward to helping you share it with the world. Thank you so much for writing such a wonderful script. Way to go! "